Interested in serving our church community? Our Coffee Ministry is looking for more people to join the team! Come see what our coffee ministry is all about during our training session. All are welcome. Meet at the Welcome Desk Sunday August 25th at 9am. We will provide a training manual and will walk you through our process! Questions? Contact
About Our Coffee Ministry
Each Sunday a team of 2 will come in at 9am to start brewing the coffee, boiling water for tea, hot chocolate and setting up the coffee station. They will come back at 10:30am to bring out the coffee, hot water, hot chocolate, cookies and start serving until around 11am. Then it's clean up and dishes until about 11:15am.
The commitment level is up to you, you can choose which Sundays work for you and we will schedule you in accordingly.
If you're interested to see how this all works and if it's something you would like to get involved in, come to the welcome desk Sunday August 25th 9am. After the training session we will follow up with you to schedule you in!